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Education and Employment Resources

Continuing Education: Provided by SD73

The Continuing Education Program at North Hills Mall is available to adults 18 or older.  Students attending the program are offered upgrading, literacy courses and the opportunity to complete the Adult Dogwood Diploma. This program is free to BC residents. All courses are paper based and self-paced. All courses are guided by SD73 teachers, Literacy Outreach Workers, and trained volunteers. 


Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English Language Learning programs for domestic students are tuition-free at 18 public post-secondary institutions and various school districts in British Columbia. A variety of upgrading classes are offered which can include Math, Sciences, English, and Computing Studies.


Address: Northills Mall (beside The Source)
Unit 35- 700 Tranquille Rd, Kamloops
Phone: 250-376-7072


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