Education and Employment Resources
Continuing Education: Provided by SD73
The Continuing Education Program at North Hills Mall is available to adults 18 or older. Students attending the program are offered upgrading, literacy courses and the opportunity to complete the Adult Dogwood Diploma. This program is free to BC residents. All courses are paper based and self-paced. All courses are guided by SD73 teachers, Literacy Outreach Workers, and trained volunteers.
Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English Language Learning programs for domestic students are tuition-free at 18 public post-secondary institutions and various school districts in British Columbia. A variety of upgrading classes are offered which can include Math, Sciences, English, and Computing Studies.
Address: Northills Mall (beside The Source)
Unit 35- 700 Tranquille Rd, Kamloops
Phone: 250-376-7072
Thompson Rivers University
​Offers degrees, diploma and post-diploma programs, university transfer credits and programs, and co-op programs. Also offers college and career planning, continuing education, and academic upgrading. Provides accessibility services for students with disabilities, and learning support for students, including tutoring services and writing support. Also offers adult special education for individuals with permanent disabilities or combinations of learning difficulties that hinder scholastic success. Provides a homestay program for international students to live short term with an English-speaking family.
Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English Language Learning programs for domestic students are tuition-free at 18 public post-secondary institutions in British Columbia. School districts also provide tuition-free ABE programs.
A variety of upgrading classes are offered at the TRU Kamloops or Williams Lake campus. They are also available to be done online through OpenLearning. Courses can include Math, Sciences, English, and Computing Studies.
Address: 805 TRU Way. Kamloops, BC. V2C 0C8
Phone: 250-828-5000
First Steps Program -Provided by: Interior Community Services (ICS) and BGC Kamloops
Full-time program provides academic upgrading towards graduation diploma for women ages 14 to 24 who are parenting young children. Also offers parenting and life skills education, job readiness preparation, and information on career and education planning. On-site day care provides an opportunity for parents to interact with their children and develop their parenting skills in a supportive environment. Also provides support to families while they are on the waitlist, and during the summer months. Program includes funding for childcare and transportation. Accepts self-referrals. Offered in partnership with School District #73, Twin Rivers Education Centre, and the Boys and Girls Club of Kamloops.
Address: Next to Norkam Secondary, 480 Kenora Rd.
Phone: 250-376-9199 to register or to be added to the waitlist.
Women in Trades Training Provided by: Thompson Rivers University (TRU)
Supports women in BC to find work in the trades through various programs. Assists women in preparing for trades employment, registering as an apprentice, or gaining an Industry Training Authority (ITA) credential. Applicants must be underemployed or unemployed and may qualify for financial assistance (with tuition, texts, transportation, and daycare)
School of Trades and Technology- 805 TRU Way. Kamloops, BC. V2C 0C8
Phone: 778-471 8365
BC Employment and Assistance (BCEA) (aka BC Employment and Income Assistance (BCEIA)
Provided by: Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (MSDPR)
Provides income assistance, disability assistance, and referral to employment services for individuals who are unemployed, underemployed, awaiting other income, or unable to work.
Address: 631 Seymour Street. Kamloops, BC. V2C 2H1
Phone: 1-866-866-0800
WorkBC Centre - Kamloops (Tranquille and Lansdowne) Provided by: Open Door Group
Provides individualized support to help job seekers find and maintain employment and improve employment readiness. Clients must be unemployed or precariously employed and legally allowed to work in BC. Self-serve resource area provides career and job search resources, job postings, career-related books and labor market information, and access to computers, internet, phone, photocopiers, and scanners. Online services include career exploration and labor market information, job search resources, webinars, and self-assessment tools. Offers job search workshops, essential skills training for employment readiness, and short-term training to meet minimum entry requirements or develop specific skills for a job or an industry. Also provides skills training, self-employment services, wage subsidy services, and financial support for apprenticeships, depending on eligibility and suitability. Offers case management and one-to-one employment planning services to individuals needing more guidance and support. May also provide financial assistance for dependent care, transportation to job interviews, and tools. Services are free of charge. Registration is online or in-person. Funded by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (MSDPR).
Address: 795 Tranquille Road. Kamloops BC, V2B 3J3 & 450 Lansdowne Street Suite 210. Kamloops, BC. V2C 1Y3
T: 250-377-3670 local 5542
Indspire is a national Indigenous registered charity that invests in the education of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people for the long term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities, and Canada.
Our vision is to enrich Canada through Indigenous education and by inspiring achievement. In partnership with Indigenous, private and public sector stakeholders, Indspire educates, connects and invests in First Nations, Inuit and Métis people so they will achieve their highest potential. Since 1996, Indspire has provided over $190 million in financial support through more than 59,000 bursaries, scholarships and awards to First Nations, Inuit and Métis students. All Building Brighter Futures donations are matched by the Government of Canada allowing us to be double the impact for students.
Aboriginal Skills Employment and Training Strategy
ASETS is designed to help Aboriginal people prepare for and find high-demand jobs quickly, as well as keep them employed in the long term. Ongoing goals are to increase Aboriginal participation in the Canadian labour market and strengthen and facilitate programming that meets the unique and varied needs of Aboriginal people and employers. ASETS will continue to adhere to its vision: We will work in partnership to increase self-reliance of Aboriginal people within the Central Interior
The objective of the ASETS agreement is to
Increase Aboriginal participation in the Canadian Labour Market.
Strengthen and facilitate flexible programming that meets the unique and varied needs of Aboriginal people and employers.
Provide employers with skilled workers.
Kamloops ATEC Office:
144 Briar Avenue, Kamloops, BC, V2B 1C1
Phone: 1-250-554-4556
Kamloops Immigrant Services
Kamloops Immigrant Society delivers programs and services designed to advance immigrants, migrants, refugees, visible minorities, first-generation Canadians and their families in becoming full and equal members of Canadian society. They Advocate for settlement, integration and multicultural issues on a local, regional and national scale as well as taking action to eliminate racism against immigrants and visible minorities. They raise awareness on the importance of immigration, multiculturalism and diversity in Canadian society while promoting respect and advocating for the elimination of barriers and challenges faced by immigrants, migrants, refugees and minorities.
They provide many services and supports such as getting settled, making community connections, workshops, english classes, child and family programs, mentorship and many more. Check out their website for more information.
Address: 448 Tranquile Road, Kamloops BC V2B 3H2
Phone: (778) 470-6101 or 1-866-672-0855
Fax: (778) 470-6102
Canadian Vocational Training Centre
Our Mission Statement at the Canadian Vocational Training Centre is to Educate, Empower and Employ. We strive to educate individuals using up-to-date curriculum to start empowering them to take charge of their futures and become Employed in a career of their choice. Our programs are perfectly suited to help our students become employed in a diverse range of careers.
Go to the website for more information on programs offered.
CVTC - Kamloops Centre
Centennial Building
#305 – 153 Seymour Street
Kamloops, BC V2C 2C7
Phone: 250-545-6777