Resources for Recovery
Addictions Services – Provided by: The Tree
Addictions Counselling provides support to individuals struggling with addictive behaviors and mild to moderate mental health concerns. Evidence-based therapy approaches include CBT, motivational interviewing, person-centered therapy, solution-focused therapy. Offers a holistic and trauma-informed approach as well as a psycho-educational component. Appointment required. Onsite childminding may be available for all programs.
Mothers for Recovery Support Group offers a safe space for mothers seeking or maintaining recovery from substance use to share their experiences of recovery with one another.
Address: 657 Seymour Street. Kamloops, BC. V2C 2H2
Phone: 250-377-6890
The Phoenix Center (Kamloops)
The Phoenix Centre is a 20-bed in-patient facility that provides withdrawal management programming for adults 19 years and older. Depending upon circumstances youth under the age of 19 may be accepted. Each room is double occupancy. The program provides medically monitored withdrawal services, assessment, individual support, psycho-educational groups, yoga, as well as medical management for clients on supervised prescription withdrawal protocols. This program also makes referrals to local community health centers for addiction counselling.
Address: 922 3rd Ave. Kamloops, BC. V2C 6W5
Phone: 250-374-4634 or 1-877-318-1177
Karis Support Society (Kelowna)
Karis Support Society is a non-profit organization that provides recovery-focused programming, counselling and support to vulnerable, at-risk expectant women, women with babies or toddlers, women working towards reunification with their children and single women with no dependents, living in poverty, homelessness or at-risk of homelessness.
Karis participants are women whose negative experiences have led to substance misuse or mental health challenges, which have negatively impacted their lives and they are now actively working on personal recovery.
First Stage Recovery Single Women: On one wing of the second floor, we offer first stage recovery in which single women attend class four days a week.
First Stage Recovery Mom and Babies: On the other wing of the second floor, we have a separate area for expectant women and moms with babies.
Semi-independent Living and the Aftercare program
When clients have completed six or more months on the second floor, they have the option of moving onto the third floor into our semi-independent suites.
Address: 550 Rowcliffe Ave. Kelowna, BC. V1Y 5Y9
Phone: 250-860-9507
Fax: 250-860-9517
Peardonville House (Abbotsford)
Peardonville House Treatment Centre is located in a beautiful, rural area of Abbotsford. It was founded in 1987 as an adult women’s treatment facility to serve the ever-increasing demand of services for women in addiction. In 1990, at the request of the provincial government, the “Moms and Kids” program was launched to allow women struggling with addiction to bring their under-school-age children to treatment with them and have them share in the residential recovery experience.
Clients are cared for by a Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatrist and Methadone doctor. Women receiving opiate antagonist therapy are welcome.
Intensive Treatment Program
A 10 week treatment program designed for women who want to stop the cycle of substance misuse in their life. The program includes Life Management Skills, Art Therapy, Sewing, Meditation, Yoga, Exercise, Relapse Prevention, Treatment Planning, access to trauma counselling post-treatment, personality testing, pre-employment workshops and more. This program is appropriate for women who are seeking an intense program of recovery, which includes group facilitation, group therapy and individual counseling support.
Mom’s & Tots
Women with children are expected to participate fully in the Peardonville House Intensive Residential program. Clients have the opportunity to bring their under-school-age children to treatment with them to share the family recovery experience. Mothers and children have specialized living quarters which enables them to live together as a single family unit. Mothers have access to professional daycare while they are in programming. However, the Mother is respected as the primary caregiver and is responsible for the safety and care of her children at all times.
Mollie’s Place
Located on the same grounds as Peardonville House, Mollie’s Place is a specialized residential program designed for women who are seeking a safe haven from substance misuse but are not yet ready for an intense residential treatment program. Mollie’s residents are encouraged to participate in a modified treatment program at their own pace until they are ready to move over to the intensive program or go back home. Clients meet regularly with the Mollie’s House Coordinator and decide together when they feel ready to begin the intensive program. The goal of Mollie’s Place is to empower women to overcome barriers, meet their basic needs and teach life skills that will enable them to transition successfully either to the intensive program or back to their homes in the community.
Address: 825 Peardonville Road. Abbotsford, BC. V4X 2L8
Phone: 604-856-3966
Tsow Tun Le Lum Society- Substance Abuse and Trauma Treatment Centre (Lanzville/ Cowichan)
Our staff and cultural teams are providing confidential outreach services such as counselling and cultural support by phone, video, or other means as possible. To access cultural support or outreach services please call our toll-free line at 1-888-403-3123; or our main office at (250) 390-3123. Further information, and support can be found on our Facebook page - Tsow Tun Le Lum RHSW Support.
Grounded in Aboriginal culture and tradition, this 40-day intensive residential program is available to First Nations people. Holistic in nature, the program is for those who are ready to put substance abuse behind them.
Nenqayni Wellness Centre (Williams Lake)
Our mission is to provide holistic healing to First Nations and Inuit youth, families, and communities in a safe and secure environment. There are various programs available such as the family alcohol and drug program. To register please visit our website.
The Family Alcohol and Drug Program is a 7 to 8 week program. The family program accommodates parents and children with a K-12 school and daycare for newborn to age 4 children. Meals and Accommodations are available.
Phone: (250) 989-0301
Fax: (250) 989-0307
Toll Free: 1-888-668-4245
Mothers for Recovery Virtual Support Group- Provided by BCAPOPS
Created by recovering mothers, for recovering mothers
Co-facilitated by a peer with lived experience and a Registered Clinical Counsellor
A safe and confidential grassroots support group for people who identify as mothers who are pregnant or are a parent and are seeking recovery from substance use.
Groups run virtually every Friday at 9:30 am
To register: or email Amy at
Assertive Community Treatment for Mental Health and Substance Use – Kamloops Provided by: Interior Health
Provides a range of health care and support services for adults with mental health and/or substance use issues. Services include assessment, treatment, counselling, education, and referral to community resources. Also provides counselling to individuals who are concerned about someone else’s substance use. In addition, provides access to other specialty substance use and mental health services. Open referral. Also provides a Seniors Mental Health Program which includes counselling, psychiatric support, and case management for seniors, and support for caregivers.
Call: 310-MHSU (6478) to be connected with your local MHSU Center
Kamloops MHSU Address: 200-235 Lansdowne Street Kamloops BC, V2C 1X8
Hours of Operation: Monday–Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Phone: 250-377-6500
Urgent Response Team/After-Hours intake is Monday–Friday from 4:30 PM – 11:30 PM
and Saturday–Sunday from 7:30 PM – 11:30 PM
After Hours intake/urgent response team: 250-377-0088
King Street Centre Address: 126 King Street Kamloops BC, V2B 3Z8
Monday to Friday: 8:30-4:30
Phone: 250-376-7855
After Hours intake/urgent response team: 250-377-0088
TiOAT Program: ASK Wellness
Tablet Injectable Opioid Agonist Treatment (TiOAT) The TiOAT office is the headquarters of a program for people living with opioid use disorders who have not had success with traditional treatment options like Methadone, Suboxone, or Kadian. Clients will be assessed by a physician and if eligible, will receive one or two Dilaudid 8mg tablets (aka dilly 8’s) up to 5 times daily as needed. Clients my apply for dose increase once stable on the program. They may inject the tablets (under supervision) or they make take them orally (witnessed). There are no take home doses. Clients are encouraged to continue or restart Opioid Agonist Treatment (Methadone or Kadian) while on the program, but it is not a requirement to participate. This is a pilot program and will be evaluated by the BC Centre on Substance Use.
Address: 433 Tranquille Road. Kamloops, BC. V2B 3G9
Clients may self-refer by calling 250-682-3223
Kamloops Area of Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
NA is a non-profit society of men and women who meet regularly to support one another recover from addiction. NA's mission is to provide an environment in which addicts can help one another stop using drugs. Their principles ensure that confidentiality is maintained. A 24 hour phone line is available to answer questions about NA and help individuals find a meeting near them.
Phone: 1-855-349-2722
Kamloops Branch Of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
A fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Various AA meetings are available to attend and the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Their purpose is to help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety and support people to stay sober.
ASK Wellness
Has a variety of resources and supports for harm reduction and recovery. Some examples include drug checking, Harm reduction and Naloxone kits, Adult Addiction and Supportive housing, TiOAT, Maverick Supportive Recovery and Career Development Program and more! Check out their website for more details.
ASK Wellness: SHOP Program
This long-running and well-established program seeks to deliver Social and Health Options for Persons engaged in survival-based Sex Work. In partnership with the City of Kamloops, this is done with a three-part approach of Community Development, Outreach, and Programming. In SHOP, we are rooted in harm reduction services and social justice practices. Our client-centered approach ensures people are heard, valued, and supported.
ASK Wellness Society Street Outreach and SHOP Outreach collaborate to provide outreach and overdose prevention services to the Kamloops community. This includes support sessions, where SHOP staff work closely with community resources and are strong advocates for Sex Workers. We can help guide you to achieve your goals. A 24-hour staffed Safe Suite exists as an emergency short-term shelter for those in crisis. Arguably, the most well-known service that SHOP provides is the Feast and Health Connect, which takes place every Thursday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. A nutritious meal and access to staff and street nurses are made available to sex workers
SHOP office is located at 433 Tranquille Rd.
Contact: Call Melissa, 250-320-1667 or email at
Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Society- Substance Use Program
Addictions Counselling Program provides one-to-one counseling for individuals who are seeking support and information for recovery from an alcohol or drug addiction. Services from the alcohol and drug counselor include counseling, referral to treatment centers, in-house referrals, information support and prevention. This program has assisted men, women, youth and elders in their journey to sobriety. using a culturally based approach. During these sessions, clients will find helpful ways to change their thoughts, emotions and behaviors through CBT. They will also learn how to complete their own medicine wheel, and to bring balance to their lives mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Outreach Support Worker
Our outreach support worker provides outreach services to Indigenous people residing in Kamloops in precarious housing situations. Some of the services include one-to-one counseling, treatment planning, case management, education and crisis intervention. They also offer cultural and spiritual practices including smudging, sweats, medecine wheel, use of elders and prayers.
Being strong means asking for help; we're here to help.
We believe recovery is possible.
Our goal is to provide people struggling with addictions with rapid access to Methadone or Suboxone treatment, and other addiction supports.
Kamloops Addictions Clinic
#104 - 220 3rd Ave
Kamloops, BC, V2C 3M3
Tel: 250-374-2345
Fax: 250-374-2343
Hours @ 3rd Ave Location:
Monday 9:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am-4:00pm
Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm
Friday 9:00am-11:30am
Hours @ Spero House Location:
317 Tranquille Ave
Friday 9:00am-11:00am